Sunday, June 30, 2013

Trust Thomas


Thomas the tank engine was feeling bright and cheerful ,It was a splendid day.

"Good morning,"he whistled to some cows,but the cows didn't reply,
"Never mind," said thomas ."They're busy with their breakfast."

 Next he saw Bertie,
"Hello Bertie,Care for a race today?"

But all Bertie could say was. "Ouch !       That Another hole in the road ."
"I'm sorry ,Bertie ," Smiled thomas.

Thomas was still in good spirits when Bertie arrived at the next station." Bad luck Bertie ."said Thomas ." Now if you were a steam engine ,you would run on a pair of reliable rails."

" Huh." replied Bertie ."The railway was supposed to deliver tar to mend the road two weeks ago.You can't trust a thing that runs on rails,"
"I run on rails,You can trust me,Bertie . I'll see if i can find out what's happened ."
Thomas left Bertie and made his way along the branch line towards the big station by the sea.

James was snorting about in the yard . " It's too bad .Percy goes to work at the harbour and
i do his job - here ,there and everywhere.Take that !"
"Ooh" groaned the trucks . " Just you wait .We'll show you ."


Gordon laughed ." I'll tell you what ,James. If you pretended to be ill everywhere,you couldn't shunt trucks here or go to the quarry there,could you ?"
" What a good idea !" agreed James.
"Look! Here comes Thomas .I"ll start pretending now . "

Thomas was sorry to see the engines looking miserable.
"Cheer up .It's a beautiful day ."
" Yes ." Grumbled Gordon " but not for James ."

" What's the matter ?" "He's sick," replied Gordon .. "Yes he is .I mean, I am," stuttered James.
" I don't feel well at all ."  " Don't worry said Thomas kindly . "I'll help out if you're ill."
   Gordon and James sniggered quietly to each other.

Some of James trucks were coupled behind Thomas and he steamed away to the quarry ,The trucks will still cross.
" We couldn't pay James back for bumping us,so we'll play tricks on Thomas instead. One engine is a good as another ."

" Now for our plan," giggled the trucks ," Go faster! "
"Slow down ." called Thomas 's driver and applied the brakes.

Poor Thomas stood dazed and surprised in a muddy pond as a toad eyed him suspiciously.
"Bust my buffers ," muttered Thomas ."The day started so well,too,"
Duck pulled away the trucks ,and Edward helped Thomas back to the junction.

Suddenly Thomas remembered the missing tar .He told Edward all about it.
" That's strange,"said Edward. " A truck full of tar has been left at my station.That must be it.
Driver will make sure it gets to Bertie now."

Later, James spoke to Thomas . " I'm sorry about your accident," he muttered. "And so Gordon.We didn't mean to get you into trouble ."
"No indeed," spluttered Gordon. "A mere misunderstanding,Thomas.All's well that ends well."

Just then Bertie arrived.He looked much more cheerful." My road's being mended now."
"Oh, I'm glad," replied Thomas. "Thanks all of you did .Now i know i can trust an engine ,especially if his name is Thomas."
Gordon and James puffed silently away to the shed!

But still Thomas had company , " Well,well," He sighed."What a day for surprises."
The toad,who was looking forward to a ride home ,noisily agreed.

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From the new Series ..Thomas and Friends .....

Based on the railway Series by the Rev W Awdry.(UK)
An exciting series books starring your favourite characters

An engaging adventure story based on an episode of the popular television series starring Thomas The Tank Engine and His Friends .

I'm not the creator of this story i just purchased the book and i just write it down here in my blog..

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